JJ Guest
Robert and Viktor, David and Karim, Dusan and Filippo, Romelu and Sebastiano / 4 flags, 170 x 102 cm

JJ Guest started this series years ago as a way of expressing his frustration and anger towards the hypocritical culture that surrounds football, and how indicative it is for society as a whole.
The flags show players who are close and touching each other. These are gestures that are taken for granted on the football pitch when cheering or in defeat, but are considered disreputable outside of football. How much support will queer communities in football receive over the next few years? His work asks why men can touch on the pitch but not in the stands, why they are celebrated for doing things in stadiums that must otherwise be kept hidden and private. His work asks why men can touch on the pitch but not in the stands, why they are celebrated for doing things in stadiums that must otherwise be kept hidden and private.
(Text/photo: oof gallery / jj guest)
About the Artist:
Text: JJ Guest