Fan-Projekt Dortmund e.V.
Dudenstraße 4, 44137 Dortmund

The Fan Projekt Dortmund e.V. was founded on September 3rd, 1987. The basis of their pedagogic work are the current youth laws (as well as the National Concept of Sports and Safety). They direct their attention to deconstruct extremist positions, prejudices, concepts of enmity and especially pre-existing xenophobia.
The Fan-Projekt Dortmund e.V. sees itself as a pivotal institution for football fans in Dortmund and fulfils that role. If you pass by in the evening, there are surely some football fans at the bar, talking shop or playing darts.
We met Laura, who has been with the Fan Projekt since 2020. As a social worker, she primarily looks after young people, is the contact person on match days and provides advice if there are problems or even a stadium ban.
Here you can find the shrine „Tilkowski“.
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri 10h - 16h
Text: Lex Rütten
Translation: Matthias Fabry
Photo: Roland Baege