Hansastraße 74, 44137 Dortmund

Hubert is a born host through and through. He takes care of his guests and makes sure they lack nothing. Want a beer and a meatball or just a glass of wine? Hubert has got your back.
He likes to tell many stories from his life, for he set out to see the world and came to Dortmund to help a friend with the opening of a nightclub when he was only 19. Shortly thereafter, he opened his own establishment and when all suddenly came together, he took over the nightclub. Since then he had contributed to the urban landscape of Dortmund, at times even with three establishments simultaneously.
The pub was repeatedly offered to him in 2017, but at first he did not want it. He did inspect the property four times in total and declined three times. At the last inspection, someone already put up the sign that still exists today, saying “Hubert’s” - a family-run business where he knows when he needs help, his family is always there for him. He also likes to tell about his three daughters - a genuine bon vivant.
Here you will find the artistic work of JJ Guest and the Shrine „Kutte“.
Opening hours:
Tue - Thu 17h - 0h
Fri 17h - 1h
Sat 14h - 1h
Text: Lex Rütten
Translation: Matthias Fabry
Photo: Roland Baege