Lütge Brückstraße 1, 44135 Dortmund

Upon entering the old but beautiful pub, one is immediately captivated by Anka’s charme. It is as if you are immediately welcomed into the family. You are adressed as “darling” from now on and furthermore, just like the hostess is darling. „Anki“, as she calls herself, has run the fan-pub in Dortmund for 12 years. She did not hesitate to participate when she learned that the project is about football and fans: two things very close to her heart - just like her guests.
Here you will find the shrine „Hi Barbie! Hi Ken"
Opening hours:
Mon - Thu 15h - open end
Fri - Sat 15h - 1:30h
Closed on Sundays
Text: Lex Rütten
Translation: Matthias Fabry
Photo: Roland Baege