Wohnzimmer Cafébar
Neuer Graben 16, 44139 Dortmund

The allure of the Wohnzimmer (Livingroom) originates not only from its name, but from every nook and cranny of the cosy café bar. Calmness and relaxation set on the moment you cross the threshold. The familiar way everyone tittle-tattles and sits together makes it almost impossible to distinguish between guests and service staff. Simo, the proprietor, embodies this spirit: people on the street greet him and call him by his first name. He feels obligated to the district, his guests and the neighbourhood: he lends a hand wherever he can.
Inside the bar you will find the artistic work of Stephanie Brysch- and a video installation of Hans Ostapenko just around the corner.
Opening hours:
Mon: closed
Tue - Thu + Sun 12h - 0h
Fri + Sat 12h - 1h
Text: Lex Rütten
Translation: Matthias Fabry
Photo: Roland Baege